Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 3 Day 3: You Are What You Think!

We often hear you are what you eat, which makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Well if you are what you eat, then you are also what you think. And more than likely what you think about yourself determines what you eat. So at the end of the day, you are what you think. Yesterday we talked about self awareness and how answering questions about ourselves can help us to better understand our thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions to our external and internal world. We will continue with this process and today talk about how these thoughts create either the life you want or don't want. As you become more aware of what you think you will be able to become more aware of when you have a choice to think differently about something.

Many of us go throughout our day acting and reacting to things and we are not even aware of what we are thinking about that causes us to react the way we do. We think negatively and experience negative things, call our friends complain about those negative things and then we wonder why our lives are they way they are. You can either create a life you want or a life you don't want based on your thoughts. If you are dwelling on bad stuff, it will find you more quickly and readily. The more negative we think the more negativity we generate.

The opposite is also true. The more positively we think the more positively we will experience life. Life is always a choice. We always have the option to chose suffering or learning, to choose anger or happiness, to choose to think positive or negative. Buddha said, "We think, we become." If you think you can you will, if you think you can't you won't. It truly is that simple.

We all have an inner dialogue that goes on and on all day long. Sometimes we are conscious of this dialogue and other times we are so disconnected we are completely unaware of what we are thinking. This inner dialogue is what creates either a positive or negative outlook on life. In doing research for this article I came across an adorable little story.


There once was a bunch of tiny frogs ... who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants...

The race began... No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!!" "They will NEVER make it to the top." The tiny frogs began collapsing. The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!" More tiny frogs got tired and gave up... ...But ONE continued higher and higher and higher... This one wouldn't give up! He was the only one who reached the top! All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?

It turned out that the winner was DEAF!!!!

The wisdom of this story:

· Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic. They take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you -- the ones you have in your heart!

· Always think of the power words have. Everything you hear and read will affect your actions!

· BE POSITIVE! And above all, be DEAF when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this!

Start to take notice of your inner dialogue. Are you telling yourself you can't do something or are you allowing others to tell you, you can't do things? What thoughts are running you? Your thoughts become your words, your actions, your habits. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is habit." Socrates. So then failure is also a habit, which can be reversed. We can reverse our habits, by reversing our thoughts.

You can change your attitude, your perception, your life by changing the way you think. To change your dialogue you must catch it in action, which means you have to be paying attention to yourself. The next time you start to feel angry, mad, bad or upset, don't start asking yourself who did this to you, don't try to point the finger at someone to blame, ask yourself, "what have I been thinking?" "What have I been telling myself?" You may notice that your thoughts are what is leading you to feel a certain way. We like to blame others, but we always have control over our own emotions. When people say things that are hurtful, we must stop and ask ourselves why we believe what they say, unless this is something we are telling ourselves. We always have a choice! We can choose to not let someone else's words hurt us or effect us. We don't have to make a mountain out of a mole hill. We can stay calm in the face of crazy if we chose to, if we chose to think positively, if we choose to stay present. Our thoughts are a choice, what do you chose?

One way to overcome negative thinking is to use positive affirmations. I love to do this. Actually all around my desk I have quotes and poems that remind me to think positively. I have a vision board of what I want out of life. I had noticed that for me, I was more ungrateful for what I didn't have, instead of being grateful for what I did have. We must start focusing on what we want out of life, not what we don't want, on what we can do, not what we can't do, on what we are good at, not what we are bad at. When we work on our positive qualities we create positive habits and old, negative qualities and habits will fall away. Always focus on the positive. There really is good in every situation, even if you can't see it in that moment; trust that is what is meant to be, will be and you will find the worry and negativity will slip away more and more each day.

Daily Affirmation Challenge: Over the next week each day pick an affirmation, write it down and put it in several different places. You can pick as many affirmations as you want really, but what I want you to do is to tell yourself this affirmation at least 20 times a day. Keep a record of it somewhere. Notice that as you fill your head with positive thoughts you begin to experience a more positive life! You can wash out the old, by bringing in the new. Like a dirty glass of water, it does not need to be emptied and washed to be clean, just fill it up with clean water and eventually the clean water will clear out the old naturally!

Positive Daily Affirmations for Abundance

1. All the things I want and need come to me.

2. I always receive more than what I need.

3. I have a bank account with more than enough.

4. I am an abundant person.

5. I create abundance in all that I say and do.

6. I accept abundance.

7. I welcome, and am open to receive all abundance that comes.

8. I draw abundance to myself today and every day.

Success Affirmations

I am Successful

Positive Daily Affirmations For Success

Examples of positive daily affirmations for success include:

1. I am successful.

2. Everything I do turns into success.

3. I am filled with success.

4. Success comes effortlessly to my direction.

5. My success is contagious, other people like it, seek it and respect it.

6. I attract positive-minded people to me; I draw all things positive to myself.

7. I am very fortunate to work at what I love to do.

8. I make powerful and enjoyable business relationships and many of my business contacts are now my friends.

Relationship Affirmations

I have happy relationships.

Positive Daily Affirmations For Relationships

Examples of positive daily affirmations for relationships include:

1. I am a confident and positive person, and confident and positive persons gravitate toward me everyday.

2. I know who I obviously am and what I like in personal relationships.

3. I am attracting powerfully positive and healthy people into my life.

4. I am caring, smart, supportive, loyal, and fun to be with.

5. I feel completely at ease and comfortable with all types of people.

6. I am winning in all my relationships.

7. I am a positive and valuable contributor to my relationships.

8. I possess complete ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings to everyone, and I express myself wisely.

Self Esteem Affirmations

Positive Daily Affirmations For Self Esteem

Examples of positive daily affirmations for self esteem include:

1. I am sure of my ability to do what is necessary to improve my life.

2. If I make mistakes, I am able to give myself the benefit of the doubt.

3. I feel basically worthy as a person.

4. I am able to take risks and try new things without fear.

5. I feel good about the way I do my job.

6. I feel about myself pretty much what others think of me.

7. I have compassion for myself and the way my life has developed.

8. I am deserving of all the good things in my life.

Health Affirmations

1. I am healthy

2. I am strong

3. I am whole, perfect and complete.

Positive Daily Affirmations For Health

Examples of positive daily affirmations for health include:

1. I am glowing with health and wholeness.

2. I behave in ways that promote my health more every day.

3. I deserve to be in perfect health.

4. I am highly motivated to exercise my body because I find exercise as fun.

5. I love nutritious healthy food, and I enjoy eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

6. I am healthy since my practices are healthy.

7. I let go of the past so I can create health now.

8. I create health by expressing love, understanding and compassion.

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