Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 1 Day 1: The Mind, Body & Soul connection

I am a firm believer that in order to achieve happiness we need to create a mind, body and soul connection that allows us to be open to the truth: we are all perfect just the way we are, we all have all the strength, courage, bravery, intelligence, love, kindness, patience etc. that we could possibly need right within our very selves. At any given moment all of our needs are met. It is just a matter of tuning into this higher vibration at all times possible and being aware that abundance exists all around us, within in our minds, within our bodies and within our souls.

This is a lifelong process. We are raised in a society that focuses on telling us what we can't do, what we do wrong, and how it really is never good enough. In ways our society sets us up for failure. Gas stations sell fountain drinks in gallon size cups, fast food restaurants sell us burger with up to 3 hamburger patties and 3 buns... and call it 1 burger! We hear no more than we hear yes, we live in fear more than we live in hope. Overcoming these negative thought patterns takes time and practice. First we have to realize that life is good. The earth is beautiful, people are interesting, there is so much to learn and do! When we take the perspective of hope, love, happiness and faith we are able to see the world in a whole new way and suddenly our vision changes and we are able to see ourselves in a whole new way. This shift in our vision takes time, practice and patience. It is an ongoing process that helps us to constantly grow, to learn how to find peace in any situation, to un cover who it is we really are and who it is we really want to be.

Aristotle said "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." It is obvious we are made up of different parts, we have our legs, our stomachs, our arms, our heads, we have different organs and a brain. What makes us whole is not each part individually, it is how each part works together with one another to create an experience that allows us to be whole. By creating a connection between our mind, our bodies and our soul we can create an experience that allows us to chose to be whole, that allows us to practice being whole and allows us to grow to be as whole as we possibly can be. The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts; it is not about what is added together, it is how you use what you got!

For the next week we will focus on what is the body, the mind and the soul? In order to be aware we have to understand first. We have to accept things the way they are and be willing accept ourselves the way we are. My goal at Redefined Image is to help others see they already have the tools, parts and pieces within themselves to be whole! Sometimes it takes hard work to let go of old negative thoughts and allow new positive thoughts to penetrate our minds and let us see the truth about who we really are, but it can be done! Let's do it together!

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