Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 1 Day 5: The Mind, Body, Soul Connection

Week 1 Day 5: The Mind, Body, Soul Connection

"So, the Soul says What, the Mind finds How, and the Body Does." Anonymous

As we have discovered the mind, body and soul are 3 very different things, yet one does not operate without the other. Instead it takes these 3 pieces to make us whole and complete. We may not always be aware of how the 3 are connected ( and this is what we are going to work on for the next few weeks), but no matter what they are connected. "For us, the natural energies, whether positive or negative, flow in a circle from the mind, to the body, to the soul, and back to the mind. That is, the mind controls and feeds the body, the body feeds the soul and the soul then feeds the mind. If the mind, body and soul are in harmony and balance, then there are sustained positive energy and happiness." (The mind, body and soul connection to Feng Shui)

As we approach the next few weeks and topics you will begin to become aware of these connections. The more we pay attention to them the more obvious it becomes. Our bodies, minds and souls are always trying to communicate with us so that we may always find a way to maintain a balance. When we are not able to maintain a healthy balance of positive thinking, attitude and actions these negative feelings can then manifest themselves as negative events in our life. The law of attraction states we attract like things. So if your thoughts are positive you will attract positive experiences and vice versa. Spending time within your body, mind and soul you will begin to learn what it is your body is telling you, what is your mind has you programmed to think and what it is your soul truly desires.

We will go into much more detail over the next few weeks on different techniques and approaches to discovering your true self and your true connection to the universe. Some techniques we will use to connect our mind, body and soul are: Meditation, Exercise, Yoga, Eating a healthy diet, getting a good night's sleep, finding time to relax, and thinking positive. These few tips can make a huge difference in your life! Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do!

Challenge Exercise:

As you go through this weekend, spend 5 minutes each day meditating within your body, pay attention to the thoughts running through your mind, and discover what enlightens your soul. Spend time outside, spend time being quiet. Make sure you are giving yourself credit for all the great things you accomplished this week, and worry not about what didn't get done. What is meant to be will be! Spend time enjoying the day, being grateful.

Gratitude Attitude:

As you begin to truly pay attention to yourself spend 60 seconds each day writing down what you are grateful for. When you are done, look over the list and be thankful for all the you have!

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