As we continue to examine the mind, body and soul connection we are also continuing to look at our overall wellness. Wellness is a popular word now days. There are Health and Wellness fairs, Lifestyle coaches that teach you about wellness. There are even different areas of wellness. But what the heck is wellness in the first place?
Over the past few weeks I have talked about awareness, acceptance, attitude and perception; about the importance of an overall healthy attitude in life. Now it is really time to dig deep and get to know yourself. And that is exactly what the topic of Wellness consist of. Charles B. Corbin of Arizona State University gives us this definition of wellness: “Wellness is a multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being.” Wellness is the study of each individual in different areas of their life. Now we can go deeper into our understanding of the choices we have in life, understanding more about why we do the things we do. Still focusing on connection, focusing on bringing balance into all areas of our lives, understanding your overall wellness will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and give you the opportunity to make changes.
There are 10 different areas of wellness:
- Social Wellness
- Occupational Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
- Physical Wellness
- Intellectual Wellness
- Emotional Wellness
- Environmental Wellness
- Financial Wellness
- Mental Wellness
- Medical Wellness
The different dimensions represent the different roles we may or may not take on throughout the day. Discovering which areas you may weaker or stronger in can help you grow tremendously. A few weeks ago I took a wellness assessment so that I could discover which areas I was strong and where I needed to do most of my work. Surprisingly enough for me, one area I struggle in is Social Wellness. Which is really ironic, because that is the next topic in this series, the universe sees an opportunity here to teach me something. :) I was not shocked however when I was low in that area. I just went through a break up a few months back and it has taken me some time to find myself again and to figure out where I belong in the social world. It is taking me time to feel comfortable just calling or even texting new people I meet. I am always worried about what they are going to think, or am I bothering them? So this is the perfect introduction for what is to come! I think this day in age with so much technology we have really become distant with one another. And really do not know how to communicate and socialize properly!
So today go ahead and visit the link. Take the assessment and see where your strengths and weaknesses lay! Here is a link to a wellness assessment.
Overall wellness is important to our overall health. We can't just be good socially if we can't hold down a job, we can't be ok financially yet have no social life. Life is all about balance! Staying present and aware is the only way to remain in balance. If you are not aware how will you know what you need? Connect with your body, connect with your mind, connect with your soul. Find out what it is you need, want and desire and then go for it! Overall wellness is available for everyone, you just have to be willing to accept it!
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