Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why even hire a personal trainer?

Another year has passed and here we are ringing in 2011! With the new year comes the vision of a clean slate; many of us treat new year's as a fresh start, a chance to do things differently. We make resolution lists and commitment lists. We swear this year we are going to do it differently, we are going to do it better, this is the year we make our dreams come true! Yet, how many years have we done this? And how many years have passed where those changes just weren't made? Sure we have a million and one excuses as to why things are the same: I didn't have time, I was tired, the kids kept me busy, I had to work, and oh the stress of it all, I had no motivation.
We are all busy, we all face stress, and we all have a lot on our plates. In order to overcome these excuses, which just hold us back what we need is to learn how to balance out our lives. We must learn how to accept our current situation, re-arrange whatever needs to be re-arranged so that we can restore our balance when things get knocked out of sorts. But if we are so busy we can't find the motivation to make changes, when we will find the time to learn how to balance it all? This is where a personal trainer comes in.
A personal trainer is here to motivate you. A personal trainer is here to personally train you to be the best you can be. It all begins with the mind and how we react to situations when things get tough. Once we learn how to observe our reactions we can learn how to change our behaviors so we are not just merely reacting through life, we are actually choosing our next step. Balance is a very important concept in the fitness world. Many people don't realize the importance of balance control in the prevention of injuries, for proper posture, and for proper muscle mechanics. When we work on balancing in our workouts, we work on the inner most muscles of our being, we work our minds, we challenge ourselves to be still when we want to run. When we learn how to meet crazy with calm in our workouts then we are then able to apply that concept to life. A personal trainer will push you further than you think you can go, a personal trainer will coach you not only in your workouts for proper muscle control and for ultimate results, but we will coach you in how to apply your new found inner strength to your life.
I truly believe with all my heart and soul that exercise is a key factor to maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. I understand not everyone has that inner excitement to go out and run and workout, and even those of us that do, do we always push ourselves as far as we can go? Another perk to a personal trainer is that they are always one step ahead of you! I enjoy exercise so much, that I know I can help others find the joy in it as well. There are so many different exercise techniques out there, a personal trainer can customize you a workout that you find stimulating, challenging, but also enjoyable. It is important that you enjoy your workouts, and a personal trainer can work with you, and together you will discover something new about yourself everyday!!
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