Monday, April 18, 2011

The Power of Thought

What do you do when the unexpected happens? Life does not always go as we plan, there are hurtles, ditches, and puddles on our paths that we have to find ways to overcome. Somedays the puddles are small, the hurtles are low and the ditch is hardly a ditch at all and we make it through day without a problem. Then there are days when it seems like the ditch is a canyon, the puddle turned into the sea, and the hurtles are higher than Mount Everest, and we look ahead and we wonder if we will ever find a way to overcome these obstacles. The Marines have a saying, "Life has obstacles, get over it!" and every time I hear this I think wow, it really is that simple. We do just have to just get over it. But how?

How we handle obstacles and challenges in our life says a lot about our character. Our character can be defined by the way we think. If you take the side of the Marines and see every obstacle big or small as being all the same size you can begin to see that it is all about perspective. We can get over our obstacles by changing the way we think. If we think positive and see obstacles as an opportunity to grow and become better people, our obstacles don't seem as challenging. They become dreadful when we think dreadfully about them. When we think things like, "How am I ever going to handle this? I don't have the right tools to succeed, I can't do it, It is just too hard." When we think like this we set ourselves up to fail instead of to win.

We all have obstacles to overcome everyday all day long. But next time you are facing a situation that seems impossible, stop for a second and change the way you think. Think NOTHING is Impossible if I just put my mind to it. Find the silver lining, keep your head up and stay focused. Don't let negative thoughts turn a mountain into a mole hill. It all starts with how we think, so think positive and you will be positive.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill.

Just know that you have the power within you to overcome anything life throws at you! Just know that you are strong and powerful just as you are!!! Just remember it is all in how we think, and we are the only ones who can control that! Our thoughts are our gateway to the future we always wanted, to achieving our dreams, and to our happiness!

Stay motivated and stay positive! Discover something new about yourself everyday! If you have any questions or need someone to talk to please email me! I am here to help, it is what I love to do!

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