5 Tips for self-motivation to exercise:
For many people exercising is a chore, it is something they dread to do, and therefore come up with many excuses as to why they do not work out. One of the biggest reasons why many people don't exercise is they think they lack the time and they lack the motivation. But with a few quick adjustments, working out can seem joyful instead of dreadful. Here are a few quick tips:
1. Hire a personal trainer. Hiring a personal trainer will give you the motivation you need to start a workout program and stick to it. A personal trainer will help you discover which types of exercise best suit you and bring you ultimate results.
2. Find exercises you enjoy. If you decide to workout, but decide to train to run a marathon and you hate running, it defeites the whole purpose. You want to enjoy what you are doing. There are many ways to stay fit and live an active lifestyle. Working out does not have to be narrowed down to a gym to be effective. Find what works for you and do it!
3. Find a friend to workout with. I am sure you have heard of the buddy system? It works great for working out! Just knowing you have someone else depending on you is great motivation to get out there and get moving.
4. Set small goals and when you achieve them reward yourself! Setting small achievable goals that you know you can reach helps you achieve your long term goals. Having small check points along the way lets you know that you are moving in the right direction! And rewarding yourself is important, you work hard you deserve that new bathing suit, or a night out! Don't sell yourself short, instead be excited and celebrate what you accomplish.
5. Set a schedule. I find for me personally this is a huge help. If I know when I am going to workout I don't waste time deciding when, where, how or why. This helps with time management. So many people say they don't have the time to workout, when really it is just a matter of setting time aside and committing to it. Also when you set your workout schedule, make sure it is at a time that works for you. Dont' say you will wake up 5:30 AM knowing you are a night owl, be realistic and set yourself up for success not failure!