Friday, January 14, 2011

Persistence is Key

"Your persistence is your belief in yourself." -Brian Tracy

The Merrium -Webster Dictionary defines persistence as1:
the action or fact of persisting
, 2: the quality or state of being persistent; especially: perseverance.I define persistence as The act of never giving up, constantly in the state of mind thinking, "It is always possible." Seeing your goal and always reaching for it, no matter what obstacles you see ahead of you. The synonym for persistence is perseverance. It takes being persistent to persevere, because until we have overcome we have not persevered, but we may always be in a constant state of persistence.

Persistence to appreciate every day, for what it is. Persistence to approach everyday with the attitude of, "today is the day, anything is possible!" Persistence to love fully, be eager to learn, to teach others, to be aware, to be present. When we are persistent , we persevere, we conquer life, and we know we have lived every moment to its fullest, because we were persistent. We never gave up, we gave it our all and we persevered!

I have faced many obstacles and challenges while chasing my dream of becoming a personal trainer. I didn't even pass the test the first time! I missed it by 3 points, it could of very well been due to the fact that 3 days before the test I had found out I was unexpectedly pregnant. Being pregnant at this time was not part of my plan and so with a scattered brain I studied for those 3 days and tried with all my heart. I remember while taking the test thinking, "If they would just ask me the question, are you pregnant, then I would know the answer!" So with my head held high and tears ready to stream down my face I accepted my fate and I left the testing center of personal training to drive down the road of motherhood.

It was of course a complete blessing and miracle to welcome my son to the world on December 9, 2008!! He has brought me so much joy, has taught me a lot about myself, and makes me want to be a better person. I am so grateful for the blessing of motherhood!

So as my son got older I wanted to look back into personal training. I decided that I really wanted to go to school for it, this way I would get a lot of hands on training. I was so excited, I found a school and went and talked to Admissions. The staff was so friendly! And at the end of program they flew you out to California for a Celebrity Boot camp Fitness week!! I was so excited! I couldn't wait to start. All I needed was the money. Well since I already went to school and graduated getting funds for me was difficult, and I ended up not being able to go. I was very very upset. I was beginning to feel like I would never accomplish this dream.

Well as life would have it we ended up moving here to Jacksonville. I instantly started making friends. I found this wonderful group of women, my Whole Mommies Group!, we met and did meditations and a vision board. As we were working on our vision boards I remember how awesome it was there was a magazine that actually had the words personal trainer, and I eagerly added it to my vision board! I knew then it wasn't time to give up on that dream.

I didn't really think about it for a few months. By now my son was 13 months old and I was pretty occupied being home with him while my boyfriend worked two jobs. At this time I was still also working on losing my baby weight. After I had Tripp i was about 50lbs over weight. While I was pregnant I put on a total of 70lbs! I had my work cut out for me. And that is exactly what I did, I used all my knowledge and lost all my baby weight by the time my son was 18 months old!

After losing the weight, I had a new found confidence. One thing I was scared of while I was pregnant was that I had never had to lose weight before, what if I didn't know how to lose it? Well I got my answer... and because I was persistent and worked out at least 4-5 times a week, and watched what I ate I was able to lose the weight.

So now I was feeling good, it was summer time and I was now in better shape than before I had Tripp! One morning sitting at the computer I began to inquiry personal trainer jobs and I looked up gyms in the area. I set up an appointment with a woman at Baileys and went and spoke with her. We hit it off immediately, she pretty much told me all I had to do was pass the test and she would hire me! I went home that morning and called NASM (where I took my test) and it just so happened I would be able to purchase a re-test, and when I looked in my bank it just so happened I had enough, so I signed up to take a re-Certification test.

It felt good! So I started studying everyday, all day! The information came flooding back, and in some cases actually made a lot more sense to me this time around!!

One day jokingly I said to my friends I was nervous, it seemed like taking the test gets me pregnant! And wouldn't you know I found out I was pregnant. This made me nervous, because yet again the timing was not right. So I continued to study and prepare for the test, but now I wasn't sure I wanted to work at a gym.

Well to make a long story short, I ended up losing the baby. I was devastated. It was a heartbreaking loss. But I knew what I had to do and kept studying and I did pass the test!! I didn't end up taking the job at the gym, but I have started my own business!! With persistence all of our dreams are possible and we can overcome any obstacles. Life isn't always easy, but we always have a choice.We have the choice of perception. Do we choose to see the good or to see the bad, the joy or the sorrow, the love or the pain? Its up to us.

We can all be persistent in our lives and be the people we want to be and persevere all things that stand in our way! I know this is possible because it has happened to me, and I know it can happen for you!
Persistence prevails when all else fails. -Anonymous

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why even hire a personal trainer?

Another year has passed and here we are ringing in 2011! With the new year comes the vision of a clean slate; many of us treat new year's as a fresh start, a chance to do things differently. We make resolution lists and commitment lists. We swear this year we are going to do it differently, we are going to do it better, this is the year we make our dreams come true! Yet, how many years have we done this? And how many years have passed where those changes just weren't made? Sure we have a million and one excuses as to why things are the same: I didn't have time, I was tired, the kids kept me busy, I had to work, and oh the stress of it all, I had no motivation.
We are all busy, we all face stress, and we all have a lot on our plates. In order to overcome these excuses, which just hold us back what we need is to learn how to balance out our lives. We must learn how to accept our current situation, re-arrange whatever needs to be re-arranged so that we can restore our balance when things get knocked out of sorts. But if we are so busy we can't find the motivation to make changes, when we will find the time to learn how to balance it all? This is where a personal trainer comes in.
A personal trainer is here to motivate you. A personal trainer is here to personally train you to be the best you can be. It all begins with the mind and how we react to situations when things get tough. Once we learn how to observe our reactions we can learn how to change our behaviors so we are not just merely reacting through life, we are actually choosing our next step. Balance is a very important concept in the fitness world. Many people don't realize the importance of balance control in the prevention of injuries, for proper posture, and for proper muscle mechanics. When we work on balancing in our workouts, we work on the inner most muscles of our being, we work our minds, we challenge ourselves to be still when we want to run. When we learn how to meet crazy with calm in our workouts then we are then able to apply that concept to life. A personal trainer will push you further than you think you can go, a personal trainer will coach you not only in your workouts for proper muscle control and for ultimate results, but we will coach you in how to apply your new found inner strength to your life.
I truly believe with all my heart and soul that exercise is a key factor to maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. I understand not everyone has that inner excitement to go out and run and workout, and even those of us that do, do we always push ourselves as far as we can go? Another perk to a personal trainer is that they are always one step ahead of you! I enjoy exercise so much, that I know I can help others find the joy in it as well. There are so many different exercise techniques out there, a personal trainer can customize you a workout that you find stimulating, challenging, but also enjoyable. It is important that you enjoy your workouts, and a personal trainer can work with you, and together you will discover something new about yourself everyday!!
My website is still under construction, but go ahead and become a member, follow my blog here or on my website, and like me on Facebook!!