Friday, May 20, 2011

Fear is an option, failure is a stepping stone, Success is the final destination!

Yesterday was a big day for me, I was able to recognize when I was letting fear hold me back, and then I decided to overcome it. I have been a personal trainer for about 6 months now. Which is not very long. I have worked with some private clients and have had some great success with them, but now that summer is coming everyone has plans and I am left client less. What is a girl to do?

Well the obvious answer: find a job! I sent my resume out to a few gyms and didn't hear anything. Then out of the blue a personal training studio contacted me, they had just lost a trainer and were in need of a new one!

The phone interview went great! She set up a 1 on 1 interview for Thursday and told me part of the interview process was I would have to work her out so she could see how I flow, how I talk, how I do my job! For the next few days I was so nervous. I had never worked out someone who knew what they were talking about and knew if I was doing things right or wrong. I was scared. So much so I was having nightmares the whole night before, I was thinking about canceling or at best re-scheduling. I was sure I couldn't do it, or at least do it well.

The time came for me to leave and I printed out the directions and got in my car, I took a deep breath and headed that way. Half the ride there I was psyching myself out, and then I realized it: here is a prime example of living in fear! I was wasting thinking power on being scared and nervous and bringing myself down. I realized I had an option at this point: I could either talk myself down or I could talk myself up and see this for the amazing opportunity it was. So I chose the latter. I shifted my thinking, told myself I knew what I was doing, found my confidence and went in for my interview sure as anything.

The interview went great! I was there for 2 hours talking to her and she said she liked my work out and it was what she was looking for. It was interesting once I started training her, all my nerves disappeared. I learned something HUGE about myself yesterday: I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to. As long as I have confidence in myself, others will have confidence in me as well.

I felt so empowered all day long, I even tried tripod headstand in yoga class last night. This is something I have never even attempted in class. But I did it, I got my legs up! For a moment I was still, then I flipped forward and landed on my neighbor! But still I had tried it without any fear of falling, so that when I fell all I could do was laugh because I was so excited to even have tried in the first place and succeeded!

Fear is not necessary. We create fear ourselves and make things seem worse then they are. There is no failure if we don't accept it, but instead get up and try again! The only way to be successful is to try things that you know will get you ahead in life, no matter how "scary" they are, or how many times you have to do it to overcome! Success is the only option!